Required documentation
When booking one of the CompEx courses the following information in required to complete the application and register the candidates accordingly. Please provide the requested information as listed below.
Also: To set up a course specifically for your company or if the dates are not suitable, please contact Mondial Engineering customer service ( for additional dates or a customized solution.
1. JTL Registration Form
JTL are the CompEx certification body who manage the CompEx scheme, ensuring consistency and a high quality, internationally recognised standard. JTL set the prerequisites for attending a CompEx course; these primarily include qualifications and work history.
Applications should be submitted at least one week in advance of course commencement by emailing the JTL Candidate Registration Form and the documents listed below to
If registering for the CompEx units Ex01-04 Refresher, candidates complete the JTL Candidate Refresher Registration Form.
2. JTL Employer Letter
JTL requires that this letter is prepared on the provided form with the company logo in the top right corner in the white blank area and submitted in PDF format.
The Employer Letter is signed by the employers’ electrical technical authority, for example the Electrical Supervisor, and not by e.g. the HR Manager. The letter should include as a minimum endorsement of the qualifications and relevant competencies of the candidate, and confirmation that they have sufficient relevant industrial electrical experience to complete the course.
Copies of relevant electrical certificates and diplomas should be included with the application. These are reviewed by the CompEx training center. If these certificates and diplomas are received and approved and the candidate passes the course, the candidate will receive a full CompEx Core Competency certificate.
Where a candidate does not provide acceptable certificates and/or diplomas, but is successful in their assessments (passes the course) the candidate receives a CompEx certificate with a CSNV, or ‘Electrotechnical or Mechanical Craftsperson Status Not Verified’ endorsement. This means that an employer must first verify qualifications before the electrotechnical person commences work in an ATEX environment.
A digital passport photo in JPEG format, complying with the typical requirements for an identity document is required.
Head centered, neutral expression, no head covering, neutral background etc.
A CompEx personal certificate is valid for five years from date of issue. A copy in PDF format of a valid CompEx certificate is a prerequisite for the 3 day CompEx Refresher course.
To regain CompEx certification following expiry of the five year validity term, candidates are required to attend and to pass the full 5-day course.